1) Pornographic, Adult or similar content is FORBIDDEN and may result in you getting instantly banned.
3) This is an English speaking forum. But here can post in 4 languages:English,German,Albanish(Shqip) & Portuguese.
4) No PC related Warez or Cracks are allowed. They can be hazardous to your computer. Posting such content will lead to link removal, the topic being locked and you risk getting banned.
5) Unnecessary Rudeness to New Members will NOT be tolerated. A warning will be issued and you may be punished more severely depending on the staff members discretion. Problems with a another member should be taken to the Flaming board.
6) Double posting is not allowed and could result in a warning being given. Learn to use the "MODIFY" Button. (New members will receive leniency.)
7) Excessive Flooding (text, CAPS, images or smilies) can result in a warning or ban being issued. If you need to include a large amount of images in a post, upload it at third-party host (E.G. ImageShack) and post a clickable link to it.
8 ) Don't be disrespectful to mods or other users, such comments may get you warned. (Flaming board excepted.)
9) Don't release personal information about other people unless you've asked for their permission first. (Including but not limited to photos, addresses, emails, IM Contacts.)
10) No Mini-Modding. This essentially means don't act as if you were a moderator or claim that you are one. If you see something wrong with a post, use the "Report to Moderator" function to alert staff members.
11) Any Final Decision is Left to the Moderators/Administrators discretion.
If you break a rule the following may happen: (in order of succession)
An Unofficial Warning
Official Warning(s)
Temporary Ban(s)
A Permanent Ban